The St. Paul University Philippines seal with its various symbols was adopted from the coat of arms of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres who founded the University and other Paulinian schools.
Green and Gold are the official colors of all Paulnian educational institution.
Green symbolizes Life, Hope and Newness. It stands for dynamism, initiative, innovation and the willingness to blaze new trails.
Gold symbolizes integrity, excellence, and the glory of God. For the Paulinians, it stands for honesty, uprightness and the constant striving for what is excellent, true and good, especially for the Ultimate Good – God Himself
Red, white and blue colors of the Philippines flag symbolize patriotism or love of country. The tricolor also recalls the flag of France, country of origin of the SPC Congregation, inviting fidelity to the Paulinian tradition as taught and exemplified by the Sisters of St. Paul Chartres. Specifically, Red is for courage, readiness for sacrifice and the tranquil daring to face every challenge; White is for purity, simplicity and single-mindedness in the pursuit of the Holy; Blue is for justice and peace and for the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.
The sword in the seal is the Gospel that cuts both ways – inviting to conversion from the old life to commitment to the values of Christ. For the Paulinian, it stands for fortitude and discipline to face the challenges of continuing renewal, giving up one’s ways to be a new man in Christ.
Books stands for knowledge and wisdom, for the skills, values, attitudes, and competencies which the Paulinian seeks to acquire.
Lamp means for light, witness, and service; it is symbolic of a life that benefits others, that witnesses to Christ and the values of the Gospel
Laurel Leaf signifies triumph. It is a reminder of the Christocentric Paschal Spirituality and challenges every Paulinian has to accept to endure the pains that is our share in the sufferings of Christ so we could share in His victory.
The Wavy Line: the waters of the sea that signify readiness to go where the mission calls and tranquil daring to face what is difficult and unknown. It also stands for Cagayan where the University isnlocated and whose people it is committed to serve.
1907, the date of the school’s foundation; shows not only the historical distance traversed by the school from its early beginnings as Colegio de San Pablo but its stability and consistency of commitment.